References of the call for papers

References of the call for papers

COHENDET, P., GRANDADAM, D., SIMON, L., & CAPDEVILA I. (2014). Epistemic communities, localization and the dynamics of knowledge creation. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(5), 929-954.

COHENDET, P., GRANDADAM, D., SIMON, L., 2010. “The anatomy of creative city”, Industry and Innovation, 17, p.91-111

COOKE P. et LAZZERETTI, L., 2008, Creative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic Development, Cheltenham : Edward Elgar

EVANS, G., 2017, «Creative cities : an international perspective», in John A. Hannigan & Richards Greg, The SAGE Handbook of New Urban Studies, New-York : SAGE Publications

FLORIDA, R., 2017. The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities Are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Classland What We Can Do About It, New-York : Basic Books

LANDRY, C., 2012, «The Creative City: Compelling and Contentious­», in Helmut K. Anheier & Yudhishthir Raj Isar, Cities, cultural policies and governance, New-York : SAGE Publications 

LANDRY, C., 2000, The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators, Londres : Earthscan

MOMMAAS H., 2004, “Cultural Clusters and the Post-Industrial City: Towards the Remapping of Urban Cultural Policy”, Urban Studies, 2004, vol. 41, no 3, p. 507-532.

SANTAGATA W., 2006, “Cultural Districts and their Role in Developed and Developing Countries”, in GINSBURG V.A. et THROSBY D. (ed.), Handbook on the Economics of Art and Culture, Elsevier, p. 1101-1119.

SCOTT, A.-J., 2000, The Cultural Economy of Cities, New York : Sage Publications

STRAW  W. 2015, «Deux sortes de scènes»,. in  Guibert G., Bellavance G., La notion de « scène », entre sociologie de la culture et sociologie urbaine : genèse, actualités et perspectives, Cahiers de recherche sociologique, Numéro 57, automne 2014, p. 17-32.

SUIRE, R., 2019, "Innovating by bricolage : how do firms diversify through knowledge interactions with FabLabs ?", Regional Studies, 53, p939-950.

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